Soil boring and rock coring
Method of Statement for Soil boring and rock coring are follows:
Drilling in the boreholes is carried out using rotary wash drillings rigs. A cutting tool shall be attached to the drill rod to produce 110 mm diameter boreholes. Drilling mud shall be used as the circulating fluid to stabilize the borehole and drilling water shall be pumped through the hollow drill rods into the hole to wash out the cutting soils to the ground surface. Flush joint casing with 110 mm diameter are installed to prevent the collapse of the borehole wall in the soft or sandy ground to maintain a clean hole. Clean out the borehole carefully to the test elevation using equipment that will ensure the soil to be tested is not disturbed. The apparent water level in this borehole was monitored during drilling work. Drilling work was carried out under full-time supervision of Geotechnics Myanmar Site personnel.
Rock coring
The rotary drilling machine is used accompanied with NMLC core barrel. After taking out coring tool from boreholes, the rock samples are placed properly in a standard core box, labeled and photographed.